Can CBD Be Used To Treat Rosacea?


For the majority of us, we do all that we can to make sure our skin stays healthy. We go to extreme measures to be rid of any disorder that is related to the skin, especially our face. Large sums of cash are spent, without hesitation, on different skin treatments and cleansing products. Usually, we are left with a product that is unsafe and futile, still looking for something that is effective against skin conditions, as well as being organic so it doesn’t do more harm than good. CBD is a remedy growing in popularity that relieves these issues with our skin and is safe to use because it is natural.

CBD is a cannabinoid that comes from the hemp plant. It is known by many for being full of properties that are beneficial to our bodies such as pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial. Rosacea is a common condition with our skin that many are starting to find relief for with CBD. Rosacea is a skin disorder resulting from blood vessels that have emerged on our faces. We will spend the rest of this article looking at Rosacea and how it can be treated with CBD creams.


What is rosacea?

Over 15 million people in the United States are affected by a chronic disease on their skin known as rosacea. Inflammation, bumps that have been irritated, and blood vessels that emerge are the conditions that come with this skin disease. These conditions happen on the nose, chin, forehead, and cheeks. There are four common subtypes with rosacea.

Phymatous rosacea: there will be a bumpy texture with the skin, as well as the skin becoming thicker.

Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea: Blood vessels will be visible with both flushing and redness of the skin.

Ocular rosacea: Eyes will become both irritated and red with swollen eyelids. Many people will look as if they have a sty.

Papulopustular rosacea: Breakouts that will resemble acne, swelling, and redness.

There will be flare-ups with rosacea that may happen in cycles. Because of this, a person may experience these symptoms for several weeks. After they go away, the symptoms will eventually come back.

Rosacea Symptoms

The symptoms of rosacea will be different with each of the subtypes. Some of these that are experienced the most include:

  • The center of the face being flushed.
  • Skin being both sensitive and inflamed.
  • The skin experiences either a stinging or burning sensation.
  • Skin becomes scaly, dry, and rough to the feel.
  • Blood vessels that are both broken and visible.
  • Patches of skin becoming raised.
  • The skin of the ears, forehead, chin, and nose becomes thicker.
  • Irritated and dry eyes with eyelids becoming swollen.

What causes rosacea?

It is unknown exactly what it is that causes rosacea. That being said, it’s safe to consider a combination of both hereditary and environmental factors. Blood vessel related issues, specific bacterias, and mites also may be causes for the skin disease. Also, there could be many triggering factors. Rosacea can be aggravated by these factors, causing an increase in the flow of blood to the skin’s surface. Some of these triggering factors include:

  • Hot drinks or spicy food.
  • Alcohol
  • Wind and/or sunlight
  • Exercising
  • Cosmetics used on the skin
  • Extreme temperatures
  • Drugs that cause blood vessels to expand
  • Emotions

Some of the characteristics of people who commonly experience rosacea are:

  • The person is between the ages of 30-50.
  • The person has blue eyes and blond hair and is fair-skinned.
  • The condition runs in the family’s history.
  • The parson has Celtic or Scandinavian ancestry.
  • This condition is more common within women.

How rosacea can be treated

Controlling the symptoms of rosacea will normally be the focus of treatment. The severity of symptoms and the type of rosacea play a role in determining treatment, usually a skincare combination and a prescription for medicine. Isotretinoin, medication that reduces redness, and antibiotics taken orally are normally the extent of these prescriptions. With severe redness created by blood vessels that have been enlarged, laser therapy is commonly another option.

CBD to relieve symptoms of rosacea

Because of a great number of therapeutic applications, the cannabis plant may be one of the most beneficial plants of our time. A plant that was once highly controversial is now being used by many for multiple issues pertaining to health.

There are hundreds of cannabinoids, as well as other compounds that can be beneficial, found in the cannabis plant. Yes, some of these with a high level of THC is still under careful watch by local and federal agencies.

That being said, there have been several species, such as the industrial hemp plant, that have now been cleared and are completely legal across the United States. Despite what many believe, hemp will not get a person high regardless of how much of it is used because its THC level is under .3 percent. CBD, a cannabinoid that comes from the hemp plant is not only completely safe from producing a high when consumed, can also be used for relief from many symptoms of illness and disease.

There are many therapeutic and medicinal properties in CBD, making it a strong remedy for treating several disorders related to the skin such as psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne, and many more. CBD has grown in popularity due to both pain-relieving and inflammatory properties, building its potential as a remedy treating the swelling, redness, and pain one experiences with rosacea.

Also, because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can prevent acne breakouts by regulating the oil produced through the sebaceous gland (1). There are also plenty of antibacterial properties found in CBD. Because of this, CBD is effective against rosacea causing bacterias. Many people have been finding relief from rosacea by using CBD topical creams and lotions. The market is currently full of skin creams with CBD that do not produce side harmful side effects when applied to the skin.

Naturally fight rosacea

Because of the healing properties that naturally come with CBD, these products can be a great solution for many skin issues such as rosacea. If you are one of the many people who suffer from rosacea or a similar skin issue, CBD topical creams and lotions may be exactly what you have been looking for.

The CBD products help clear away redness in the skin, relieve bumps, pain, and swelling from the surface of your skin, all while increasing the health of your skin. You can be sure the products are safe for use, and will not change your state of mind with a high or psychoactive effect. Here are just a few tips to remember when buying a CBD product.

Where are you buying CBD?

While it is now legal to use CBD in many areas, CBD is not federally regulated. Because of this, anyone who can print a label can exaggerate or flat out lie concerning exactly what is in their product. Don’t hesitate to google a brand name to see what others who have used the product are saying.

Also, keep in mind, Since the bill was passed that makes CBD legal in so many areas, there aren’t limits set to the types of businesses that can sell these products. CBD can be bought at grocery stores, pharmacies, bars, and coffee shops. I have even found CBD products sold at a local video store.

If you are going to start using CBD for a medical issue, it makes sense to buy the products where you would buy other medicines. As well as looking for reviews left by other customers, look for testing results from a third party. If the CBD in the product is legit, the company or brand will have no problem putting these test results where they can easily be found. It won’t require much effort to find them.

Are you taking other medications?

If you are regularly taking medication, regardless of the reason, with a prescription or over the counter, you need to have a conversation with the doctor you see most regularly. Discuss the other medications you currently take and your reasons for taking them. Also, discuss why you want to start using CBD. Simply taking other medications doesn’t mean your doctor will be against the use of CBD products. It may just mean you need to avoid using a specific dosage or amount.

Start with a lower dose

Once you have found the CBD product you want to begin using, always start with a lower dosage and slowly work your way up to more. If you are using a product that will be used daily, it’s often required to start with a lower dosage, increasing slightly once or twice a week until you find the dosage that works best for you. Keep in mind, like many other substances, your body will create a tolerance for CBD. After using the products for a few weeks, if your results begin to decline, this doesn’t always mean your dosage needs to go up. Often the best answer is to stop using CBD for a few days.

Related: Why Is CBD Becoming So Popular?