How To Pick Right Nicotine Level For Vaping?



Often denoted as vapor, vaping, an act of breathing-in and breathing-out the aerosol, proven to be delivered by an e-cigarette or a similar device. The e-cigarettes, rather than tobacco smoke, produce an aerosol, usually being mistaken with water vapor, which contains fine particles. Though Nicotine is there in both cigarettes and vaping but smoking cigarettes gives smokers an altogether different feeling due to thousands of other chemicals contained in it. As compared to vaping, which provides Nicotine without any other harmful substances as such.

But, it is very significant to select the precise strength of Nicotine if we wish to get rid of smoking cigarettes fruitfully. For people looking to substitute smoking with vaping, Nicotine levels should more or less balance with what they were getting from cigarettes. Otherwise, they will possibly not continue vaping. Also, the device should match the feeling of smoking cigarettes. If we inhale too much Nicotine through vaping, we won’t relish the vaping experience, and inhaling a lesser amount may persuade us of going back to smoking.

How Much Nicotine is Right for You

The Right Strength

Smoking and Vaping generally are being absorbed differently by the body, so it is challenging to determine the right strength of Nicotine being absorbed. Usually, smokers study the Nicotine strength available in the cigarette while choosing the resistance for vaping. Unfortunately, it’s not the right to practice as the absorption of Nicotine in both cases is different.

Usually, the study says that most cigarettes available in the market have Nicotine strength ranging between 4 and 14 mg each. But, its absorption depends mainly on how much a person had inhaled and how much cigarette he has smoked. The average intake of Nicotine is about 1-1.5 mg. Usually, most of us take a break between puffs, which result in burning out of a portion of a cigarette. So there is less absorption of Nicotine by the body as compared to the actual strength. It is also similar in the case of vaping.

Researchers say that cigarette smoking experiences by smokers usually helped them via experimentation to calculate the vape nicotine levels. Generally, the strength of Nicotine for vaping that is available is in the composition of 0 mg, 0.3% mg, 0.6% mg, and 1.2% mg.

  • The strength of 0 mg/mL is for them who wish to inhale without Nicotine presence or have reduced inhaling in due course of time from higher vape juice Nicotine levels.
  • The strength of 3 mg/mL is usually administered by those inhaling less than ten cigarettes per day.
  • The strength of 6 mg/mL is usually best for light to moderate smokers, or those inhaling “light” cigarettes.
  • The strength of 12 mg/mL is usually best for an individual who smokes up almost to 30 cigarettes per day.

But researchers have published in their report that as compared to one cigarette, even after one hour of Vaping, the Nicotine level delivered in the bloodstream is not the same in strength. However, after much research, manufacturers have developed newer generation devices that have shown a rise in 35-72% of Nicotine levels in the bloodstreams.

The smokers, unlike vapers, are not sure about the amount of Nicotine present in a single cigarette, as it varies by brand. The vapers have the edge over smokers by knowing the precise ingredients and the Nicotine strength in the vape juice. In spite of Nicotine being present in tobacco, many manufacturers of cigarettes add additional Nicotine and other chemicals to their products.

The new vape users who were previously smokers, want to match the right Nicotine strength that they should administer to feel contented with. The study indicates from statistics, many vape users start with a high enough Nicotine level consumption and then eventually step down their inhalation level to zero. They struggle to choose which level of vape juice Nicotine suits their specific needs. Usually, they prefer the standard e-liquid Nicotine levels, as recommended.

Taste & Throat Hit

Smokers, who have recently started vaping, want the same pleasant feeling of Nicotine level while inhaling with e-liquids. They need to consider various options for the utmost satisfaction.

Higher vape juice Nicotine strength can give e-liquids a harsher taste and throat hit. For better flavor and smoother hit, some vapers prefer a lesser vaping Nicotine level.

A person that vapes only a few times throughout the day will respond well with a higher nicotine level. However, smokers who vape in longer sessions may feel that the higher levels of Nicotine inhaling are too much for them. They may cause nausea or dizziness.

Preferring Nicotine Salt

Apart from e-liquid with Nicotine content, there is also a type of processed Nicotine, well-known as Nicotine (Nic) Salt. These salts are compounds that contain both Nicotine, including many of the organic constituents. Some vapers are preferring these salts over the regular e-liquid Nicotine.

Many vapers have felt that Nicotine Salts are smoother and less harsh on the throat as compared to e-liquid. Though many vapers relish e-liquid benefits having a variety of flavors, Nicotine Salts are generally on the upper end of the Nicotine level range. Levels in most commercial Nicotine salts are available from 25mg/mL to up to 50mg/mL strengths.

Nicotine salts are a smoother transition to vaping. For heavy smokers who have recently shifted into vaping, the study recommends 50 mg Nicotine levels to these users. Luckily, Nicotine salt is economical. The user-friendly devices used for Nicotine salts are perfect for smokers who are new to vaping. With the rising popularity and benefits of Nicotine salts, smokers transiting towards Vaping should give it the first choice over e-liquid.

Nicotine Levels: Safety Highlights

Inhaling Nicotine levels for new vape users can be very confusing. After concluding on a great vape juice that seems like it fits their flavor profile, now we have to determine what Nicotine level vaping must be done to experience the safety highlights. The new vapers seldom know the level of Nicotine in cigarettes. Levels are essential that requires further study in this practice.

A new paper must consider two important aspects while picking-up Nicotine strength. One is the smoking habits, and the second type is the device used by him. Looking into the vapor output, many factors ultimately dictates the amount of Nicotine consumed per puff.

If a vaper smokes socially up to about ten cigarettes a day, he falls in the lower range of each suggestion. A pack a day will land him somewhere in the middle, whereas consuming two packages or more will get him into the higher area. We have to believe that the best Nicotine level is the one that helps you avoid ignitable cigarettes.

Low-Level Vapor Production constitutes the quantity of Nicotine released by a cigarette. Nicotine salts of a high percentile are often the first choice for this category. Over 6 mg/mL, many manufacturers have stopped producing regular Nicotine juices. This comprises mouth-to-lung containers with a very tight airflow as well as most pod systems. In this low vapor product category, the regular Nicotine is between 9-18 mg/ml, and Nicotine salts range is between 30-60 mg/ml.

Medium Level Vapor Production: In the category, devices can come from virtually any product range. Vapor includes pod systems that take sub-ohm coils, airier MTL containers, and even sub-ohm containers that have a very restricted lung draw. In this medium vapor product category, ten the regular Nicotine is between 6-9 mg/ml vapor and Nicotine salts range is between 20-30 mg/ml.

High Vapor Production is big clouds: Vapor includes rebuildable atomizers, sturdy sub-ohm containers, and large airflow channels. Finding Nicotine salts for this category may not be so easy, and most vapers usually go for regular Nicotine juices. In this high vapor product category, the regular Nicotine is between 1.5-6 mg/ml, and Nicotine salts range is up to 10 mg/ml.

The Device

Low vapor device, should be the first option of a new vaper, if he has decided to quit smoking, it may be an MTL tank or a pod system. These will help smokers smoothly transition to vaping and emulate the draw of a cigarette. But it has been noticed that new vapers prefer to use a fully open draw or a controlled direct-lung draw, preferably a more powerful pod system or a sub-ohm chamber.

The revolutions in vaping have made devices more effective in delivering nicotine and flavor. Appliances that are commonly used are the Sub-ohm devices to raise vapor production. The high wattage batteries are used to get more Nicotine to the Vaper in this case when being equated with devices using lower wattage. This device, used by vapers, reduces the Nicotine levels due to the amount of vapor it produces.

Many sub-ohm vapers prefer 3 mg or 6 mg e-juice. However, this device is not recommended to go above 12 mg. Study has proved that the higher vaper hikes the Nicotine level, the e-juice has a harsher throat hit. Vapers usually term this harshness induced by higher Nicotine levels as a Nicotine bite.

Vapers using the sub-ohm devices usually prefer a vape juice with a minimal Nicotine percentage. In such devices, more volume of vapor is produced, resulting in the ingestion of more Nicotine. Even if the vapers were heavy smokers in the past, due to the use of sub-ohm devices, vapers would generally reach a spot with a reduced Nicotine level. Many new sub-ohm vapers are advised to use 6mg e-liquid Nicotine levels or even a 3mg e juice. In cases of higher Nicotine levels, these types of devices are not advisable.

Nicotine Strength In Percentile

When a new viper tries a couple of Nicotine strengths and settles for the one that satisfies him, it can still be the most confusing at times. Sometimes the details are put by the manufacturers to list Nicotine strength by percentage, like 0.3%, 0.6%, 2.5%, and 5%. Nicotine strengths are considerable as mg/mL.

If we look into the strengths of Nicotine in e-liquid, many a time, it is shown in mg/mL. This means in each milliliter of e-liquid, there is a quantified amount of Nicotine. For example, 5 mg/mL e-juice suggests that it’s every milliliter contains 5 mg of Nicotine. If we would like to figure out the entire amount of Nicotine during a bottle or a tank, we need to multiply the strength in mg/mL by the vapor of milliliters we have. For example, if we fill up a 3 mL vape tank with 5 mg/mL e-liquid, we have 3 mL × 5 mg/mL = 15 mg of Nicotine in the container. Likewise, a 10 mL bottle of 5 mg/mL e-liquid contains 50 mg of Nicotine in total.

The strengths of Nicotine in percentages are easy to understand. Percentages use the combination of a volume measured in mL and mass in mg. Usually, If a bottle of e-liquid displays figures in percentages like 0.3% or 1.2%, it depicts the amount of Nicotine available in the liquid. If in a bottle, e-liquid contains 1.2% Nicotine, any amount measured out will be 1.2% Nicotine and PG, VG, and flavorings to 98.8%.

Similar to the percentages mentioned on a bottle of liquor known as Alcohol by Volume (ABV), the measurement is referred to as Nicotine by volume (NBV) for determining Nicotine level in the e-liquid, The size in percentage by mass is also being worked out but e-liquid manufacturers usually don’t follow this.



Over time, many vapers find that it is relatively simple to reduce their vaping Nicotine levels. Few just want to maintain their ideal vaping Nicotine level, but many of them have a goal of dropping their Nicotine level to zero. Lowering the level gradually leads to better taste and a smoother throat hit. If vapers reduce their ingestion of e-juice Nicotine by too much or too quickly, they will vape more frequently to be satisfied.

Suppose, if they are currently vaping at a 12mg/mL, and then they should try to reduce to a 6mg Nicotine level after a month or two. If vapers have the aim to cut from a high-Nicotine vaping level to zero, it may take some time. Vapers should not rush the process, but instead, comfortably reduce the standards over time until they reach their objective.

Vapers usually start at a particular level, but it is not that they intend to stay there forever. Often, vapers give a try to different devices, e-juices, flavors, and diverse Nicotine levels. They don’t stop experimenting unless they find what suits them best personally. The more vapers enjoy their setup, the more satisfaction they experience. As a result, they are more probable to carry on vaping for a longer run.