How Did CBD Become More Popular Than THC?


Over the past 50 years, as unfair as it is, hemp and cannabis have usually been associated with THC and marijuana. That is finally beginning to change as more and more people begin using CBD products for relief. These products aren’t being used so a person can experience a high or a buzz. They are being used because CBD provides relief for many symptoms in which another answer can’t be found.

With the CBD industry exploding in popularity and there becoming a significant demand for products, THC and marijuana have taken a backseat when it comes to a popularity contest. Don’t take that the wrong way. Sure, there are still plenty of people smoking marijuana because they enjoy the buzz provided by THC. There’s simply just as many people, if not more, using CBD products legally for the relief they have never been able to find. This is especially true for older users looking for a mild experience for aches and pains without getting high.

How Will CBD Make Me Feel?

Before we get into too much more detail, we need to spend some time looking at the differences between CBD products and THC. These are two completely different compounds both coming from the cannabis plant. CBD is derived from the hemp plant while THC is found in marijuana. Because of how low the THC level is in hemp, no, using a CBD product will not get the user high. While marijuana has a high THC concentration, hemp has a high concentration of CBD oil. In the United States, these CBD products are legal on the federal level as long as the THC level is lower than .3 percent. Again, that’s not nearly enough to get someone high.

As contentious as marijuana and other products infused with THC may be, a product infused with CBD products are being sought after for many reasons other than getting high. This includes beverages, products for pets, edibles, vaping liquids, health and wellness products, even oils and lotions for the skin. These products can be found everywhere from pharmacies, convenience stores, cars, cafes, and anywhere that focuses on health and wellness.

The boom within the CBD industry has grabbed a lot of people’s attention, including a few economic projects. The Brightfield Group has put together data supporting sales in the CBD market going over $22 billion by the end of 2022. This will put CBD products far ahead of anything THC infused products are doing.

Over the next five years, it is being estimated that there will be a 132 percent increase in sales throughout the CBD industry. Throughout Canada and the United States, there are many organic, natural-based food stores, and wellness shops who expect to keep a large stock and inventory of CBD products. On top of this, many national retail chains such as Whole Foods, CVS, Trader Joes, and Kroger plan on carrying CBD products.

The significant differences in chemistry play a huge role in the boom of CBD products. While CBD and THC both have a structure of molecules on the surface, there is a difference in the arrangement of atoms. This is why THC products produce a psychoactive effect and CBD products do not. A CBD product will not produce the high or buzz that comes with THC, most commonly smoking marijuana. That being said, they each are aligned chemically with the endocannabinoid system every human has. The difference is the receptors each compound attaches to. There are data and research that go as far as to determine the right CBD dosage will weaken the effects THC produces on the CB1 receptors in the brain.

CBD is without a doubt safer to use than THC. While some states now allow medical and even recreational use of THC, products that have been infused with it are still classified as a Schedule 1 drug on the federal level. CBD is just the opposite. While it is federally legal, there are still areas in the United States where CBD products are against local laws. Still, because CBD is federally legal, products are much easier to find than a product infused with THC.

Why would I use CBD?

There are many popular reasons for using a CBD product, none of which include a means of getting high. CBD oil is being used to treat everything from children having epileptic seizures, problems sleeping, joint and muscle soreness, skin conditions, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, recovering from an intense physical workout, and many other reasons.

Your reason for using CBD will play a factor in the product and the method you use. Sure, a quick drop or two underneath the tongue will work for any reasoning. That being said, having a wellness strategy in place and accommodating your reasoning with a specific product type will go a long way.

For instance, if you are going to use a CBD product to help you get a better night’s sleep, it may make more sense to get a product you can mix with a cup of nighttime tea before bed. If you are having an issue with the health and wellness of your skin, it might be a better fit to look for a lotion that is rubbed into the exact area. If anxiety is the struggle you are having, taking a capsule may be the best option for you. We will discuss some of the pros and cons of a few popular methods of using CBD oil.


By far one of the most popular methods of using CBD oil is by a tincture. A few drops under the tongues and waiting about 20 seconds before swallowing can help with just about anything. There are very few, if any, methods of using CBD that will get into your system and provide faster results.

As far as cons, you need to have a steady hand for measuring how much CBD oil you put into the dropper. If shakiness is an issue, you might want to consider another method that has the dosage and measuring already done for you. Also, CBD oil has a very distinct taste. It’s not for everyone. If the taste is too much for you to swallow, you definitely will want to find another method of use.


Taking a capsule is great if you are someone who is always on the run. There is no measuring or dosage to worry about. Simply keep the bottle where it’s convenient and easy to find on the go. Regardless if it’s in a purse or gym bag, next to the coffee pot or the snack drawer, taking a capsule makes using CBD as easy as swallowing with something to drink.

The con to using a capsule is significant, though. The capsule has to pass through your digestive system and it has a process before you will feel the effects. They will not happen as quickly, Also, as your body breaks down the capsule, some of the dosages is lost so you don’t take exactly as much as the label will say. Still, by taking a capsule daily and giving CBD an opportunity to build up in your system, this is a great method of using CBD oil.

Lotion or cream

Using CBD oil in a lotion or cream is great when you have skin issues or a specific part of your body that needs some extra attention. Using these creams and lotions not only put CBD oil in your body but massaging the area also provides great relief. The components from the CBD also do a lot for improving the skin’s health. These products go a long way in providing benefits for your body.

As far as a con, similar to taking a capsule, you won’t get instant relief with a lotion or cream. Time is needed for the CBD oil to be absorbed into your skin and make its way into your system. You won’t rub this in and find instant gratification. But again, once the CBD has built up inside your body, the benefits are well worth taking the time needed for the application.

Vaping Cartridges

Just like with using a tincture, vaping CBD oil provides results within minutes. Also, with vaping cartridges, all of the measuring and dosage is done for you. Simply put the cartridge in your vaping device and use it at will. Many brands provide these cartridges in a variety of flavors so you’re not stuck with the unattractive taste of CBD oil. If you are someone who is already vaping and brand new to CBD oil, this is a match made in heaven.

The set back would be that vaping is not for everyone. Like we just mentioned, if you vape, this is a perfect fit.  You can use something that is already part of your regular routine and receive the great benefits of CBD. That being said, if you are not already part of the vaping community, it’s very doubtful starting would appeal to you. Nonetheless, CBD vaping cartridges are quickly becoming one of the hottest products in the CBD industry.