Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies Review


Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies


RELIEVES Anxiety & Stress


ELIMINATES Chronic Pain & Aches








In this fast-paced world, stress levels have gone up by several notches. Along with stress, other problems that are at bay reach into you and cause more havoc. The first thing that would get affected is our sleep. Once sleep takes a blow, and you sleep less, the anxiety factor will rise along with stress. This would make us lose our usual clarity and decision-making abilities.

Then a miracle in the form of CBD oil came along. It is an oil extracted from a plant called cannabis, and this was diluted with a coconut or Hemp oil to make it edible.

The CBD has many benefits and would solve many of the problems stated above. The only problem was, CBD oil was not edible. Yes, it can be consumed, but it left the mouth in significant irritation. The taste was not good at all, and people did not continue taking it continuously as they were supposed to. The benefits, of course, existed.

This was the perfect platform for Enjoy Wellness labs to launch their product CBD Gummies, after much research and development. The lab never diluted anything away from the CBD oil but made it tastier. Now people could relish having it, which was not the case with the oil. In other words, this was packaged well, and people would benefit more because they are not going to resist the CBD Gummies.

Let us examine this factor as we dwell deep into the world of Enjoy Wellness labs “CBD Gummies.”

Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies

What is Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies?

There is no specific diet applicable to as far as this product is concerned. Such foods would apply only when one has over-weight issues. However, we request you to drink some extra water and spare time for exercise, like walking, skipping, etc. We ask you to stick to the dosage guidelines.

Ingredients in Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies

There are not many ingredients in the production of this product. The process is longer, though, as iteration follows iteration. Therefore it is only apt, to mention the process, and side by side the ingredients.

Found below are the details:

  1. The Hemp Pant: This is the major contributor to the product. The ingredients get extracted from the industrial hemp plant, and it is pure. One should remember that Hemp itself is a strain of cannabis. Cannabis itself is not a plant, but the two isolates from it, Hemp and marijuana are. But then Hemp is the no intoxicating part of cannabis. Therefore, for the manufacture or processing of Gummies, only the industrial Hemp is used.
  1. Alcohol: Once the Hemp oil is diluted and made consumable by the humans, the oil extract is mixed in a natural formula, to make it tastier. To arrive at the purest form of the stem oil, an evaporation process gets carried out by using alcohol, which would remove any residual impurity.
  1. Gummy Bear: The gummy bear is just candy. To make the customer consume CBD oil, it is mixed with natural formulae and converted into Gummy bears. This makes it easier and makes it a delight. However, the original Gummy bear does not carry any benefit which this one does. Gummy Bears are easy to bite and swallow, and the feeling of the medication does not exist at all.

Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies Review

How does Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies work?

The Bear Gummies are the final product of the entire process. The CBD oil carries multiple benefits that cure ailments within. Of course, this stems from the medicinal properties of the Industrial Hemp plant, which itself is a strain of cannabis. Thereby, the nutrients present in the cannabis and the hemp plant are the benefits one would derive as a solution to their issue.

CBD oil is challenging to consume due to its bitterness and makes the consumer even discard their food. This will not happen with the Gummy bears, which prove to be quite tasteful. The CBD oil carries all the medicinal properties in its purest form. It cures the consumer through the sweetened Gummy bears.

Benefits of Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies

  1. Anti-inflammatory: The CBD has a good effect on inflammation. It is anti-inflammatory and thus capable of bringing down any swelling. On the other hand, it can prevent the inflammation itself.
  2. CBD and Dopamine combination: There is a Neurotransmitter that plays a significant role in deciding how we should behave or react. It regulates one’s behavior. This Neurotransmitter is known as Dopamine and CBD act with Dopamine, and aids in keeping our focus and clarity best at all times. It improves memory too.
  3. Helps to relieve pain: The pain factor exists in everybody. We have gotten used to buying a ‘Pain Killer,” which would provide temporary relief. This kills the pain and permanently as the dosage progresses.
  4. Restores healthy sleep pattern: Stress and anxiety do reduce our sleep and spoils the good healthy sleep we used to have before. In a recent study conducted, CBD was given to such people who were not sleeping well, and the medication was limited to 25 mg per day for a month. The results showed nearly 67 % had improved their sleeping pattern.
  5. Easy to use: Open the container and swallow a gummy bear. You are through with the medication process. There is no need to take that distasteful CBD oil in oil form.
  6. It is not psychoactive: As stated earlier, cannabis has two strains – Hemp and marijuana. This strain has the same properties as the Hemp but has an increased concentration in terms of toxicity. Hence, that discard and Gummy bears use CBD oil extract, which does not bring Psychoactive behaviour.
  7. Dosage patterns: There is no confusion as far as the gummies go. The dosage is almost self-explanatory, as the gummy bears are designed for beginners, intermediates, and experienced consumers. Of course, there would be a higher dosage contained in the Gummy bears compared to that of the other two.

Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies Side-Effects

These are the known side effects of the CBD bear gummies:

  1. Mouth Dryness: CBD causes dryness in the mouth. This is because Anandamide, an endocannabinoid, which causes dehydration, blocks the signal from the nervous system, by preventing any interaction with the receptors.
  1. Close to double standards: Even though CBD does not cause any drowsiness, it may react in two different ways with two different people. One person would become active and the other tired. This is typical in the cases of people who consume more Gummies.
  2. Lightheadedness: The lightheadedness could only be a temporary effect and would soon disappear with consuming some water and coffee
  3. Low blood pressure: As stated earlier, higher doses of CBD Gummies can cause dizziness or lightheadedness. CBD does tend to produce low Blood Pressure for ordinary people too.
  4. May cause Diarrhea: Some people with various disorders may experience diarrhea when they consume the gummies.

How much does Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies cost?

Each container of CBD Gummies has 300 capsules in it. Found below are the prices applicable.

There is a special promotion for the purchase of three and five containers. You can avail of a discount of $92.85 for three vessels, and a discount of $205.75 is applicable where five boxes are purchased.

The purchase of this supplement should be made only through the official website and not through any other source. People might entice you to state that it is available in some stores, but please ignore them. We are also bound to give you offers from time to time, and the product is original. The procedure is simple. Just fill in the form on our website and place the order.

Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies Price

Money-back guarantee

If the customer is not satisfied with the product, they applaud for a refund. You must contact the customer service via email or telephone (available on the website). You can ask for a unique number, which is called RMA or “Return Merchandise Authorization,” which you need to mention on your package.

Now, you can send the package to the address mentioned on the form. The goods should reach our “return Department” within thirty days from the date of your receipt of the goods you purchased. Moreover, you should ensure that our returns department receives the products back, which you have dispatched, within thirty days from the date of obtaining the RMA.

The cost of shipping has to be borne by the customer only. After the refund package has got received, their fulfilment centre would check and scrutinize all details, and need to declare it as sale worthy. Post completion of these steps and the company gets satisfied with the report from their checking department, the money would get credited to your debit or credit card, which you used while purchasing the product.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Bear Gummies have the same effect as CBD oil?

There is no doubt whatsoever, it has the same effect, and if fact, it may be better. The bear Gummies are there only to make the product edible. The CBD has got diluted correctly, but the taste would continue to be a bit odd. With Bear gummies, the feeling is enhanced and becomes delicious. That is why clients continue to order more and more.

Can Children eat the bear gummies, because my child is quite excited?

This is meant for grown-up people only and not for children.

When can I stop consuming the Bear Gummies?

It is up to you. If you think you are okay and improved, you can stop it.

Where can I buy the bear gummies?

One can easily buy them from our online store by logging on to their website.

Customer Reviews

By Malcolm Ann: “I was completely overstressed with various family issues, and then I started consuming CBD oil. I discontinued because I could not stand the taste. Then I was informed that the Gummy bears from Wellness lab were out. Now my anxieties and stress have disappeared.”

By Newton Samuel: “If anything changed my life, it can only be the Gummy bears from the Enjoy lab. They can only produce quality, and I loved chewing the bear, got rid of my Insomnia.”

By Mike Raman: “I used to develop pain here and there in my body, and for no reason. I became addicted to pain killer tablets, till my friend advised me on the Gummy bears. It took two weeks; now, the pain seems to be gone forever.

By Thelma Louis: “My age is 45, and I am known for my frequent outbursts due to my mood swings. After trying the bear Gummies, I have become very controlled with my anger, and even manage to smile. I have informed them of the CBD bear Gummies. I am sure they have all ordered by now.

The final verdict

There is no disputing that CBD oil has its benefits and drawbacks. But the CBD Gummies from Enjoy wellness have the dosage earmarked. Therefore there is no question of a person consuming more gummies and feeling Low B.P or dizziness. Just follow the guidelines, and there should be no problems.

Order Enjoy Wellness Labs CBD Gummies