Endoca CBD Review


Endoca CBD Review






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The story begins

The founder of Endoca, Henry Vincenty has been roaming all round the world in search of organic medicines. At last, he found Hemp, from which oil can be extracted, that helps cure many ailments. The Vincenty family having cultivated hemp for many years are now producing the best quality hemp oil.

Henry did his course on Biotechnology and Genetics from the University of Copenhagen. It was then that he came in contact with people who were suffering from AIDS. Trying to find help for these people, Henry’s story began in creating Endoca.

While doing research he found that right nutrition helped people to lead a normal life. Thus the drive in getting the right nutrition led to Endoca CBD. After many research he found a system that regulates the immunity and effects sleep in the body, the endocannabinoid system.

Quoting Henry’s words; “I have always believed that if something can save a human life, whilst causing no other harm, then it is our responsibility as scientists to give people the option.” Therefore, Endoca begins with its journey.

The aim of Endoca is

  • To produce a complete organic product.
  • Make CBD available to all
  • Improve the health of every one

Endoca CBD

Vision of Endoca

Who can ignore health care and its importance? Not one of us can do that. Endoca helps to formulate a program that helps people in changing their lifestyle for the better, and making them balance the mind and the body so as to live in harmony not only with nature but with each other too.

It is good for each and every one to achieve general wellbeing. Endoca is trying to do just that by creating a charity.

Review of the products

The list products from Endoca are as follows:

  • CBD Oil
  • CBD Cream
  • CBD Edibles
  • CBD Capsules
  • CBD Crystals
  • CBD Suppositories
  • CBD Extract
  • Food Supplements
  • CBD for pets


endoca hemp oil

Explaining CBD

Endoca CBD oil is obtained from hemp plant, also known as Cannabis Sativa. CBD that is Cannabidiol is a natural plant molecule present in large quantities in hemp.

CBD works by stimulating the endocannabinoid system, that helps promote calmness and balancein the body.

The best extract of Endoca CBD oil helps to boost the daily wellness routine. Hemp oil from Endoca is available as:

  • strong concentrations
  • medium concentrations


Raw CBD Oil

30mg CBD+/ML (Medium)

The proportion is 1mg CBD+CBDa per drop; 30mg CBD+CBDa/1ml

€ 26


150MG CBD+/ML (Strong)

The proportion is 5mg CBD+CBDa per drop; 150mg CBD+CBDa/1ml

€ 115


30mg CBD/ML (Medium)

The proportion is 1mg CBD per drop; 30mg CBD/1ml

€ 26


150MG CBD/ML (Strong)

The proportion is 5mg CBD per drop; 150mg CBD/1ml

€ 115

CBD Raw oil

Choose medium (300MG) or strong (1500MG) concentrations

Starting to use CBD as a part of your new diet? In that case go in for the lower concentrations. This is for the general wellbeing. For severe cause and needing higher CBD dosage select the stronger concentration oil.

How to use Endoca oil

Use the dropper to place the drops under the tongue. This will make you see results faster, as the drops will be absorbed by the body faster. You can achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Initially, start with 1 or 2 drops. The number of drops can be adjusted such that it gives the desired result. It can be taken directly or added to food or beverages.

CBD Cream

endoca body butter

Endoca’s CBD skincare offers a range of rich nutrients to the skin. There are varieties of CBD creams, balms and salves. These products offer healthy skin and soothes any joint discomfort, it also soothes any skin irritation. Endoca makes the best CBD creams and balms with best organic food-grade components. Endoca’s skincare formulas ingredients include shea butter, coconut oil as well as vanilla extracts. It does not use any harmful chemicals. It can be used by all the family members.

How to use

It is very easy to apply the products namely salves or the balms or the creams. Just apply it on knees or elbows or skin and rub it. The effect can be seen. It helps to calm, relax, soothe the skin.

Know that these creams do not cure nor can it be used as a treatment for illness. As with any product, it is always good to consult doctor before starting to use it.


Salve with 750mg CBD

This has a high CBD Concentration. It gives instant Skin Relief

€ 57

CBD infused cream with 300mg-1500mg CBD

This can be used to get extremely beneficial body care as well as instant skin relief

€ 32 – € 73

Balm with 20mg CBD

This is for lips and skin, as a moisturizer. Also, this stick is easy to carry while travelling

€ 7

CBD Edibles

endoca chewing gum

As the name suggests, these edibles are obtained in the form of chewing gum. It is obtained from good quality and whole plant. It is completely natural. This product is indeed one of the celebrated edibles.

It helps in easing the nerves and feeling calm.


CBD Chewing Gum 150mg CBD

It contains 15mg of CBD in each of the Gum

It has high bioavailability

€ 12

CBD Capsules

endoca capsules

Want the precious dose of CBD but without hemp taste? Endoca CBD capsule will help with that, giving the desired benefits. Choice is available between Endoca Raw and Heated CBD capsule that is also available in strong or medium concentrations. The benefits obtained by the users are

  • A general sense of well being
  • Restful sleep
  • Internal balance


10mg raw CBD capsules (medium)

This contains 10mg of CBD+CBDa in each capsule

This does not have any taste. It is also odourless

€ 26 – € 75

10mg CBD capsules (medium)

It contains 10mg of CBD in each capsule

This does not have any taste. It is also odourless

€ 26

50mg raw CBD capsules (strong)

This contains 50mg of CBD + CBDa in each capsule

This does not have any taste. It is also odourless

€ 115

50mg CBD capsules (strong)

This contains 50mg of CBD in each capsule

This does not have any taste. It is also odourless

€ 115

Special Discounted Price Visit The Endoca CBD Website Now!

CBD Crystals

What are CBD crystals?

The purest and cleanest form of CBD that is available, also known as CBD isolate. Their fame is attributed to their usefulness and nil THC content. Crystals are enormously flexible. They can be used by adding in food and drink, they can be vaped. It can be used in improving the skincare.

CBD crystal gives the pure CBD aids that it calms as well supports any stresses occurring on day to day basis. It helps in soothing the inflammation as well as it promotes the overall wellness.

How to use our Endoca Crystals?

The crystals can be used creatively for cooking, vaping or skincare

Vaping: Just add the crystal to table top vaporizers having a chamber for crystals or vape pen. This is a fast as well as a very convenient and above all the quickest method in absorbing the CBD.

Easy to use by creating edibles. That can be done by simply melting it with butter and adding it to the baking as usual. It can also be added to smoothies, bath, dog treats and gummies.

Among all the Endoca’s products, CBD crystals form the maximum multi-purpose CBD product and that too without having any hemp taste.

Point to be noted though is that CBD crystals are not to be used by pregnant women and lactating.


CBD Crystal 500mg ( 99% pure)

€ 43

CBD Suppositories

endoca suppositories

CBD Suppositories is taken directly and effectively, but not through oral methods. Therefore, CBD Suppositories will not be ideal for all. It is suitable for those who cannot swallow the capsules or intake the CDB oils orally. This method gives the much needed CBD for them.

How to administer CBD Suppositories

It is done vaginally or anally. Precautions needed to be taken here is that the suppository has to be refrigerated and has have to be washed before and after using it.

In the foil shell there is a V shape. Tear it along that. See that it is lubricated by applying a light coat of water before insertion. Place the tip of the product at the entrance of anus or vagina and insert. For rectal insertion, insert it past the sphincter muscle. Wait for about 15 to 20 minutes.


CBD Suppositories 500mg CBD

This contains 50mg CBD per Suppository

€ 43

CBD Extract

CBD extracts also referred to as CBD paste is a potent source of CBD. It contains CBD concentrations of about 20% and 30% CBD as well as CBDa. Endoca hemp extracts contain waxes, terpenes, flavonoids and minor cannabinoids that makes Endoca CBD extracts very powerful. The customers favour this product as they know that all the requirements of the complete hemp plant is available. A point to note is that this product is not recommended for people who are going to start using these products nor is it recommended for people with milder symptoms.

How to use Endoca CBD extracts

Endoca CBD Extracts can be started off with a low dose. Depending on the requirements of the body, it can be built up gradually, till a comfort level is reached.

As the products are of premium strength, a tiny bit of CBD Extract can be placed under the tongue. It can be taken on an empty stomach that ensures maximum absorption.


CBD extract oil for sale 2000 mg

Raw hemp oil extract 200mg CBD+/ML

2000mg of CBD + CBDa

Syringe included

€ 177

CBD extraction, buy online – 3000 mg raw

Raw hemp oil extract 300mg CBD+/ML

3000mg of CBD

Syringe included

€ 255

CBD pil extracts for sale – 2000 mg heated

Hemp oil extract 200mg CBD/ML

2000mg of CBD

This is used for high doses

€ 177

Food Supplements

Those who are interested in achieving wellbeing and good health, this is actually for you. Endoca food supplements enhances the optimal health goals. That is because, it gives the nutrients required in the food taken by you. The raw products are organic and not processed, hence forming the building blocks for healthy growth with good health. It gives the proteins, amino acids, essential vitamins and minerals required by the users.

Endoca food supplements supports a strong immune system and helps to build the body strength. It gives balance in mind and body. For that Endoca uses a special blend consisting of minerals and organic vitamins.

How to use Endoca supplements

Endoca food supplements can be used in the wellness program taken by you every day. It boosts the morning or evening meals consumed, also enhances the smoothies, and can be taken with salads thus providing much more essential vitamins, proteins as well as minerals.


Raw organic hemp protein powder

It contains Omega 3, 6 & 9

Since it is suitable for vegans & vegetarians, advised for them

€ 19

Raw organic vitamins & minerals powder

100% vegan and organic

Rich in vitamin C

Natural berry flavour

€ 49

Hemp seed oil

Raw organic hemp seed oil

100% organic hemp seed

Rich in natural proteins and minerals

Mild earthy nutty taste

€ 9


It is always advisable to get in touch with your doctor and get more information about the products being used for the first time. While choosing Endoca products remember to consult your doctor.

Why choose Endoca?

It is a company run by the family only. They provide transparency, good quality and excellent customer service. As there are no stakeholders, the profits are used for more research with a aim to improve the standards and to make it available for everyone.

With the response Endoca is getting from the customers, it looks like it can keep up the good work of providing quality product for all.

The products are standardized to comprise precise quantities of cannabinoids. All the products are lab tested so as to give good quality and consistency by maintaining good standards and raising the bar for other manufacturers. Unconditionally guarantee that the products are 100% organic is given by Endoca.

Endoca CBD