7 Things You Can Do With Cannabis Leaves


Okay, did you know that in the United States of America an average person dams from anywhere between 210 to 250 lbs worth of food right into the trash every single year? And according to the statistics that the United Nations has produced, one-third of all the food which is made for human consumption is apparently thrown away. But right now we are living in a time of heightened awareness where the existence of climate change is more predominant than ever. The whole concept of zero waste revolution is being practiced and preached more than ever in the present times, and this includes everything right from skincare to find and restaurants. Now let’s talk about the most controversial plant of all of our lives, the cannabis plant! If you thought that the flower buds were the only valuable part of the cannabis plant, then you are wrong all this while. Yes, every other plant has left; so what must be so special about the ones from the cannabis plant, right? Many don’t know that canopies are considered one of the best bountiful crops and all parts of its structures can be harvested and used to make something or the other. Of course, the flowers that are resin-oozing top the priority list. However, the leaves of the cannabis plants have a very practical and very real use for every grower who grows it. Find leaves are certainly the most under-recognized part of the cannabis plant. The leaves of the canopies plants are filled with resin, flavor, lots of phytonutrients which helps in putting these leaves into good use in several ways.


So, What Makes The Fan Leaves Important?

When it comes to the cannabis plants leave other primary energy harvesters. The green chlorophyll traps the sun’s energy into the leaves and transforms it into fuel. Without the presence of healthy leaves, any plant will not be able to live up to its complete potential. And son leaves of the cannabis plants are the primary leaves which are of most use to us. There are smaller leaves on the cannabis plants and these are called sugar leaves. Let’s understand the basics of the leaves of the cannabis plant 1st to understand its importance. The number of leaflets on a canopies leaf depends completely on the type of the cannabis plant, how its growth cycles, etc. usually in the marijuana plant the leaflet number is between 7 to 9 whereas some leaves can go up to 13. So when it comes to deciding on how to use the cannabis leaf, it is very important to 1st recognize the type of leaf on the cannabis plant. Two types of leaves can be found in the cannabis plant, they are:

  • Fan Leaf: These leaves have a broad structure which helps in better light gathering. And it is the fan leaves that are recognized as a symbol for the cannabis plants. These are the leaves that are filled with flavor, phytonutrients that help in supporting the health and wellness of us humans.
  • Sugar Leaf: These are the smaller versions of the marijuana leaves. They grow closer to the flower buds when the plant is in the flowering stage. Oftentimes the sugar leaves are hidden with only their tips peaking in between the larger fan leaves of the cannabis plant. The sugar leaves are often trimmed after the cannabis plant is harvested so that the birds look more appealing to the consumers; they do it after drying or just before curing the birds. The sugar leaves derive their name from white delicious trichomes like a sugar dusting that is found on them.

7 Ways Of Using Cannabis Leaves

  1. Juice Them Up

The cannabis plant boasts of high nutrition as it contains good levels of essential minerals and vitamins, proteins, fiber, flavonoids, omega fatty acids, etc. and if you are someone who loves green juices then making 1 out of raw canopies sugar and fans leaves is a good idea. We are saying juice of the raw leaves because cannabinoids are found in their acidic form when they are wrong which is why you will not experience any psychoactive effects or any kind of high when you drink raw cannabis leaves juice. Use your regular home juicer or you could also hand press and later sieve the Juice and enjoy its nutritional benefits.

  1. Leaf Butter 

This certainly doesn’t sound real to you, isn’t it? It is possible to make cannabis-infused butter with the help of the flowers of the cannabis plants. You can make something called a cannabutter out of cannabis leaves, especially by using the sugar leaves. To create this kind of cannabis butter, You will have to heat both the sugar leaves as well as the butter over low heat. This will decarboxylate the cannabinoids and also assist the absorption of it into the butter. The same technique can be used to make infused olive oil or coconut oil with the help of cannabis leaves. So once the butter has been strained and the plant material has been removed it needs to be cooled. Once the butter has solidified, you can spread it on your favorite toast or add it to your pasta or pizza and create your meal. We would suggest that you use this butter in making baked products like brownies or cakes or biscuits. Using it as a topping to your baked potatoes or on your dinner steak will be nothing short of a unique twist to your traditional meals.

  1. Infused Leaf Tea 

Having herbal tea on any day can never go wrong, can it? The marijuana leaves can be dried and used to make soothing cannabis herbal tea. If you don’t enjoy the taste of the cannabis plant on it soon, you could add other herbs or botanicals for a test or reap the benefits of not just one but many kinds of teas. The cannabis herbal tea does not pose any psychoactive effects as the heatness of the water in the T is not likely enough to activate the THC to create euphoric effects in our body.

  1. Compost The Leaves 

If you are into gardening and you are also growing cannabis at home then what better way to make compost out of these fan leaves. All gardeners know that composting is the ideal way to include nutrients for your plant. You could simply collect your kitchen waste as well as your yard waste and mix them up with the leaves from the cannabis plant. This will help you save money on buying composed for your plans as well as it will initiate the zero waste revolution right at your home.

  1. Cannabis Skin Creams 

Creams or lotions made out of cannabis will do wonders to asking. It will help combat inflammation and also help in regularising cell proliferation. It can help combat various symptoms of skin diseases like acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc. using cannabis leaves for topical application is the best way to reap the benefits out of it.

  1. Include Them In Your Salads, Vegetable Roasts

Superfoods are the need of the hour for our generation. Right from nuts to seeds to super greens, superfoods are that amazing punch that is required to give a nutritional boost to our everyday meals. Toss some chopped cannabis fan leaves in your salad or decarb them by roasting it in the over with your carrots, potatoes, parsnips, etc.— your superfood-packed meal is ready!

  1. Cannabis-Infused Honey

And all of us are aware of the anti-inflammatory benefits that the golden nectar, honey, boasts of. You need to decarbonize the cannabis leaves, tie them in a cheese cloth and drop it into a honey pot. Or you could drop it in a slow cooker of honey with some water and allow it to seep into the honey slowly. Your Cannabis-infused honey is ready.

Now you know what to do when someone says don’t throw away your cannabis leaves!