We R CBD Review








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The fast pace of life has a way of dragging you down slowly and surely. It might take some time but everyone faces that moment when they feel inadequate to handle the pressures of life. At times you can end up struggling to handle everyday tasks when you engage in a lot of strenuous physical activities, like as an athlete. If you have been wondering how you will be able to bounce back you’re in the right place.

We R CBD gives you more than 40 products that are tailor-made to pick you up from your pit. It is a company that specializes in the production of products made from Cannabidiol or CBD for short. This compound is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and is safe and beneficial for human consumption. It is a supplement that is changing the lives of people the world over.

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About We R CBD

We R CBD is on a mission to get the best of Cannabidiol products to the people. Cannabidiol is a compound that is in the Hemp plant as well as in Cannabis sativa. It is extracted from the Hemp plant, which has minimal THC. THC is the compound responsible for giving people a high and ultimately getting them hooked on to Cannabis. THC is present in minimal quantities in Hemp, but is extracted completely by We R company to produce THC free products.


The main ingredient used to make the products We R offers is CBD. CBD is used in its pure form to make a variety of products that can be ingested, inhaled, and used topically. These are from gummies to vape oil cartridges, CBD oil to dog treats. These products are used by different customers with one purpose, to give them relief.

How Does We R CBD Work?

We R CBD works by isolating the Cannabidiol compound in its purest form. It then uses the compound to produce different products that are taken into the human and animal body. When the Cannabidiol gets into the body it interacts with the Endocannabinoid system and pairs with it to help it utilize its own cannabinoids. This system is responsible  for regulating mood, pain, energy, strength, motor movement, and many other attributes.

How to Use We R CBD Products

We R CBD products are used freely depending on the need you have. The gummies are a sweet treat taking regularly through the day. These gummies and other treats can be taken at will but you will know when you get to your limit as your body will tell you you have had enough. The vape oil cartridges can be taken freely although they have their advised dosage. A cartridge like the 500 mg Tangerine CBD Vape Oil should not be taken all at once as it is really potent. A serving can start at 10 mg up to 50 mg.

Always be sure to check with the We R customer representatives to find out how to take whatever product you have bought from them. They are on 24 hour support so you can never be stuck with them around.


Most people take gummies between three to four times a day. Isolate can be taken as much as three times a day. It all depends on the schedule you have and the need you have. This will determine how much you will use. The beauty is that CBD does not have a set dose. It is friendly to you as it does not have side effects. The only caution you have is to start small and build up the dosage.

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Is it Safe to Use We R CBD Products?

We R CBD products have been manufactured using industry specific standards ensuring they do not have any impurities in them. This is done to protect you, the end user. To ensure they do right by you they engage the services of third party labs that test the products to ensure they are safe for consumption and they do not have any impurities like THC.

By taking these products through such rigorous preparation and testing you are assured that the product you are getting is safe to use.

Are We R CBD Products Addictive?

CBD products are made from a compound of the Hemp plant. This plant has a compound called THC that is known to be addictive and to affect the mental abilities of a person, giving them a high. Cannabinoid, on the other hand, is a compound that benefits the human body without giving a high. This ensures that it is not addictive to the subject. The extraction process ensures that CBD is removed from the Hemp plant without taking in THC.

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Benefits of We R CBD Products

The products being manufactured by We R CBD are made to promote your wellness. They have a number of benefits including increasing appetite, helping you fight cravings, promoting sound sleep therefore fighting insomnia, fighting pain, and many more.

There are a number of products to choose from that will cater to your needs. There are gummies of different flavors, honey sticks that make for delicious snacks, dry fruit treats, and even dog treats. You can also enjoy the benefit of CBD through the bath bombs, massage oil, and pain relief cream. If you want to have the fastest impact to your system you will want to use vape pens or vape pods.

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Side Effects of We R CBD Products

There are little known side effects of CBD products offered by We R. Cannabidiol has been reported in rare cases to have mild side effects of diarrhea and affecting appetite when a subject is starting to take it. Other than that there are no adverse reported side effects.

Purchase & Price

The products offered by We R are available on its online store. They range in price from $14.99 for snacks like honey sticks to $89.99 for a value pack of two 500 mg CBD Gummy Jars and one 1000 mg CBD Oil Tincture. You have a number of options with different price tags to them.

Money Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

We R CBD offers a money back guarantee on the first 30 days of purchase; this is provided you return the product as you got it in its original package and not tampered with. You will require to provide proof of purchase with the original receipt. You are likely to get a partial refund if the product is tampered with, has exceeded 30 days since you received it, or is missing some parts.

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Can I take more than one CBD Product?

You can take any product that satisfies you as long as your body appreciates it. You can have dried fruit and mix them with gummies and add on some vaping.

Is it possible to get anything for my anxious dog, Toby?

There are a number of delightful dog treats you can choose from that will calm your dog.

Can I engage in business using these products?

We R CBD is always interested in partnering with retailers the world over. All you have to do is fill an online form to deliver your details. You will get subsidized prizes that will enable you to sell and make a tidy profit.

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  • They rejuvenate the body.
  • They fight insomnia and give good sleep.
  • They are not addictive.
  • They encourage a healthy appetite.
  • They give stamina.


  • They are known to alter appetite which some subjects do not like.

Customer Testimonials

“I never thought I could have such freedom as I have with CBD products. I can now sleep soundly and wake up energetic to fight my MMA bouts. I recover faster from soreness and can achieve much more in my work outs. We R CBD are a sure winner.” Tony S.

“I have struggled with my hip and shoulder since I had my accident in 2010. I didn’t know what else to do save for rehabilitation and pain killers; till I was advised to use CBD by my rehab instructor. I am forever grateful to him because now I can go back to much of what I was not able to do. I sleep like a baby and my body is feeling more energetic.” Sylvester S.

“I run a pretty tight schedule as a doctor. And sometimes I feel like I don’t have the energy to take me through my shift. I always wondered how my fellow doctor friend could manage double shifts and still remain standing. She shared with me the secret to the gummies she always has with her. I am a customer for keeps now. I can pull off anything I set my heart to do now. I’m a gummy girl for life.” Tracy Sarah.


CBD products offer you the best in rejuvenation supplements. You are able to get your energies restored helping you achieve all you have set out to achieve. When you are in need of some good sleep and are struggling to find it you can be sure to lean on We R CBD products. If you want a calming supplement then this will be your best friend. Try it today for a fulfilling life.

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