Mountain Peak CBD Oil Review


Mountain Peak CBD Oil












CBD has become the best thing after the legalization of Hemp production in 2018. The Farm Bill Act of 2018 legalized industrial Hemp. Since then, it has been available in the form of tincture, salve, cream, capsules, and gummies. It is used in the food and even in bakes. There are CBD lattes and CBD brownies to name a few.

The reason why CBD is in the news is because of its properties. It is known to provide relief from anxiety, depression, aches, and pains. It has many health benefits and they are still being researched. There is proof that CBD works to provide relief from medical conditions like epilepsy and chronic aches.

While most of the CBD oils are purified to remove all traces of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), many of them have only traces of the compound. THC is the psychoactive compound of the Hemp plant. This cousin of CBD gives you the high that has come to be associated with marijuana.

Types of CBD

There are 2 very ways to take CBD. Both of these methods are commonly used. It is not as if one method is better than the other. It all depends on availability. CBD is available in many forms. Two of the common forms are CBD Edibles and CBD.


For a beginner, CBD Oil is the best place to start. You ingest it orally, or rather sublingually. The dosage is easy to monitor. Most CBD oils with an eyedropper. So, you just have to place a few drops beneath your tongue and keep it there for 30-60 seconds. You swallow it and it is absorbed into the bloodstream taking effect quickly.

The capsule is the second way to ingesting CBD. Start with a 25 mg capsule and increase the dosage in increments of 25 mg till you find the right dosage for you. Capsule do take a while to work but their effect lasts for many hours.

Gummies are the third type of edibles. They are delicious treats and are available in many sizes and flavors.


Topicals are mostly for pains and aches. They need to be applied locally in the area and they work immediately.

Mountain Peak CBD Oil 

About Mountain Peak CBD Oil

For Mountain Peak CBD, their product is a matter of pride. The quality of the CBD Oil they provide for public use is very high. The product is extracted from the cannabis plant grown organically in the US. Since it is grown organically, it is free of pesticides and chemicals, ensuring that it is safe for use. The CBD Oil is extracted using CO2 triple filtration method in a certified facility that meets the highest standards of the industry. The cold-pressed oil, extracted through CO2 triple filtration technology gives full-spectrum oil, which is free of THC. The oil is taken sublingually, which is a superior delivery system.


Mountain Peak CBD Oil is a blend of Eucalyptus, Boswellia, Hemp Oil and lavender. There is no trace of THC in the blend.

The seed of the Hemp plant is used for extraction of the full-spectrum Hemp oil, which has benefits such as improving cognitive facilities, releasing muscle tension and reducing inflammation

Eucalyptus numbs the arthritic pain. It reduces the swelling caused due to arthritis and chronic pain.

Boswellia lubricates the joints and allows smooth comfortable mobility.

Lavender oil, is similar to Eucalyptus and reduces sores and inflammation.

Mountain Peak CBD Oil – How Does It Work?

To know how Mountain Peak CBD Oil works, it is necessary to understand the science behind it. The body’s natural endocannabinoid system (ECS) has the function of regulating everything from sleep, inflammation, eating, pain, and even cognitive function. In short, the ECS is responsible for the optimal functioning of the body.

Hemp oil has undergone clinical trials and has been proven to work to regulate the ECS. It addresses medical issues such as insomnia, anxiety, hypertension, depression and cardiovascular problems. When you ingest Hemp oil, it is absorbed into your bloodstream, triggering positive stress and inflammatory response.

Mountain Peak CBD Oil works in the following 3 ways:

  • Quick Absorption – It helps in the quick absorption of the oil. CBD Oil is to be taken sublingually. This means that the absorption is quick and the release of cannabinoids is extended.
  • Stimulate – The cannabinoids in CBD Oil regulate the endocannabinoid system of the body and anti-inflammatory response. This offers physical, neurological and psychological benefits.
  • Restores – Mountain Peak CBD Oil helps balance the nutrition in the body and promotes overall good health.

Mountain Peak CBD Oil Review

How is Mountain Peak CBD Oil Extracted? 

The first step to preparing the CBD Oil is its extraction from the Hemp plant. There are methods of extraction, commonly used to isolate the oil. These are CO2 and Ethanol extractions.

Both processes involve macerating of the flowers/leaves and placing them in solvents such as CO2 or Ethanol.

Mountain Peak CBD Oil is extracted by the method of triple filtration. This technology is used for removing THC from the extract. The oil is extracted at a facility that is certified and not only needs but also exceeds the standards of the industry.

How to Use Mountain Peak CBD Oil

To use Mountain Peak CBD Oil, place the desired or recommended quantity of CBD Oil beneath the tongue, with the help of the eyedropper. The oil is absorbed into the bloodstream by the method of the sublingual delivery system.


Mountain Peak CBD Oil is available in 500 mg strength with 30 servings per bottle. This is a 30-day supply.

It is available in 3 delicious flavors of Vanilla, mint, and lemon.

There are no dosage guidelines for CBD as of yet. If you are a beginner, then you should start with a dosage of 25 mg and increase if you don’t get the desired results. 

The product is THC free and is, therefore, completely safe to use.

Benefits of Mountain Peak CBD Oil

This supplement comes with a host of benefits. Here they are listed:

  • Supports Joint HealthMountain Peak CBD Oil promotes joint health by lubricating them. This improves their mobility and flexibility. It also reduces inflammation.
  • Fights anxiety and stress – CBD has a positive impact on moods. It uplifts mood and fights anxiety and stress.
  • Improves Cognitive Function – The product supports and improves mental acuity, cognitive function, focus, concentration and memory recall. It also reduces mental decline that occurs with an increase in age.

CBD for Various Ailments

  • CBD & Anxiety – Many users suffering from anxiety have reported that CBD has a calming effect. It helps them feel good. CBD interacts with the brain, reducing anxiety. The human body produces Anandamides and Serotonin. Anandamide is a natural cannabinoid produced in the body and is linked to relaxation and calmness. Serotonin, on the other hand, is the feel-good hormone.
  • CBD & Inflammation – The immune system contains the body’s endocannabinoid system. A study conducted on rats in 2017, and published in the “Journal of Pain” states that CBD had a good effect on their immune system.
  • CBD & Weight Loss – CBD research is still in the early stages, so the role of CBD in weight loss is not really clear. But, based on certain studies and their findings, it appears that a couple of factors do affect weight loss. The first is appetite and metabolism, which is controlled by the body’s natural ECS. The second is the brown fat cells in the body, responsible for producing energy and burning calories.

Purchase & Price

Mountain Peak CBD Oil is only available on the manufacturer’s official website.

This CBD Oil is available in Vanilla, Mint and Lemon flavors. The manufacturer is offering the product as a $4.94, which is only the shipping and handling charges. This price is effective only during the 14-day trial period. When you agree to the terms and conditions at the time of purchase, you agree to be enrolled in the company’s membership program.

According to this program, if you do not cancel it, you will be charged $89.95 per month after the end of the trial period.

You can cancel the membership anytime by calling the toll-free number or emailing the manufacturer.

Order Mountain Peak CBD Oil Trial

Money-Back Guarantee and Refund Policy

The company offers a 30-day return policy from the date of purchase. You need to call their customer service to claim a refund. However, the refund is subject to certain terms & conditions, such as that the product should not have been opened or used.

Side Effects of Mountain Peak CBD Oil

There is not much chance of side effects after using Mountain Peak CBD Oil. However, the benefits and side – effects will vary from person to person. It is recommended that you should not take the product without consulting your physician in the following cases:

  • If your age is less than 18 years
  • If you are pregnant or are lactating
  • If you are already taking medicines for any chronic problem
  • If you suffer from heart issues
  • If you have any kind of medical history


What Happens If I Do not Cancel My Membership Before the End of the Trial Period?

If you do not cancel your membership before the end of the trial period, you will be charged $89.95 per month after the end of the trial period.

Why is the Manufacturer Charging Only $4.94?

The manufacturer is charging only $4.94 as the product is being offered on a trial basis. This amount is only shipping & handling charges.


  • Extracted by the method of CO2 triple filtration method
  • Includes cannabinoids which are full-spectrum
  • The delivery system is superior since it is sublingual
  • Quick absorption of the cannabinoids
  • Extended-release of the cannabinoids
  • Completely natural formula
  • No known side effects
  • No need for a doctor’s prescription
  • Complete THC free
  • Legal for purchase in all the 50 states of the US
  • Does not show up in drug tests
  • Comes with an eyedropper so that it is easy to use


Customer Testimonials

I had undergone treatment for throat cancer. After the completion of my treatments, I ended up having a dry mouth. I could not swallow and it was painful. On the recommendation of my doctor, I started using Mountain Peak CBD Oil which helped with the dry mouth and throat. Swallowing is no longer a problem. CBD Oil is very easy to use. I just place a few drops beneath my tongue and leave it there for a minute. The oil gets absorbed and I can feel the effects very fast. It is a small bottle and easy to carry. ~ Rob

I am a hyperactive person. I can stay up working till early morning. This CBD Oil has helped me relax and I can sleep better. I have a balanced life now. If you suffer from anxiety problems then you should definitely try Mountain Peak CBD Oil. ~ Laura

I used to suffer from joint pains and movement was painful. Getting up or sitting down was a painful process, so much so, that I preferred to work from my chair. This only worsened the problem and back pain was added to the existing joint pains. Since I have been seeing CBD Oil everywhere and read about its benefits, I decided to use it and it worked. I can now move around freely. It is a supplement and it has helped free me enough to start making lifestyle changes. ~ Amanda Harris.


Research regarding the benefits and side effects of CBD Oil is still going on. So, no one really knows all the benefits or side effects. What little is known is very promising. So, when you are buying CBD Oil, always buy from a reputed brand like Mountain Peak CBD Oil, that does not make tall claims.

Always check the ingredient list before you buy the product to ensure that you are getting genuine high-quality CBD Oil.

Right now, Mountain Peak CBD Oil is available at throwaway prices. If you are really keen on using CBD Oil, then you should take advantage of this offer and order your bottle today.

Order Mountain Peak CBD Oil