CBD Oil For Migraine


If you are someone who suffers from migraines, you understand exactly how complicated they can make every aspect of life. They have the ability to significantly lower your production at work. Any plans you make with friends and family can be ruined within a matter of minutes. Very few things in life are able to make you as miserable as a migraine headache. They can ruin any excitement or relaxation you have planned.

If you’re one of the people who suffer from migraine headaches, there’s a good chance you’re willing to do almost anything possible to experience relief. You’ll make changes to the types of food you eat. You’ve tried everything the pharmacy sells, at least once. You have more than one pair of glasses with all types of lenses and more than one room in your house is kept dimly lit, just in case you need to escape for a while. 

CBD Oil For Migraine

Whenever you hear of something new that might help, you are one of the first people willing to try. You’ve read the articles and heard the conversations. But, is CBD oil really a safe, legal option for relief from migraines?  

There’s a lot to say about that last statement. Is CBD safe to use and is it legal where I live? These are two of the questions we’ll be answering in this article. For starters, something you may not know, there was a U.S. bill passed at the end of 2018 that both hemp and products derived from hemp are managed the same as other crops by the Department of Agriculture. Because of this Farm Bill, CBD oil is legal to use, with a couple of stipulations depending on the location of where you live.

Now that you know this, there’s a good chance you will be more accepting of the research that’s been completed on medical CBD or cannabidiol. Not only are news sources beginning to give more and more positive feedback on CBD, but it’s also starting to be accepted more by the public in general. CBD is becoming known as both effective and a positive form of treatment for many things such as epileptic seizures.

That being said, CBD is also being used for anxiety and depression, acne, and even weight loss. Science is recently beginning to study cannabis with more care, demonstrating it has the potential to be effective in many other areas. But, what about your migraines? That’s why you are reading this. Is there anything CBD oil can do to provide you with relief for migraine headaches? 

Within the previous few years, there have been many advancements made concerning migraine relief. There have been many medications produced by several pharmaceutical companies that are available to the public both with and without a prescription. That being said, many people who suffer from migraine pain are against the idea of taking pharmaceutical drugs. 

It’s a normal question to want a guarantee what you are taking for pain relief is safe for both your mind and body. The last thing anyone wants to do is create other issues in an attempt to get rid of severe pain. Maybe you’re one of the many individuals more interested in an overall cure for your problem with migraines instead of being prescribed a drug that provides limited relief for a while, putting yourself at risk of other harmful side effects. 

With CBD oil, you have both a natural and safe alternative for migraine relief. Many studies have been completed linking CBD with properties that relieve pain. Each of these properties has documentation testifying to their safety. Because of this, more and more people who suffer from migraine headaches are willing to use CBD oil for the first time.  

This being said, depending on the regulations and the laws in the state where you live, there’s a chance you may not have the opportunity to give CBD oil a chance. Or, maybe you’re one of the many individuals who can legally use CBD oil, but you still have too many questions that have yet to be answered.

We are going to spend some time answering some of the common questions people have who are considering using CBD oil. How does it work? Is it effective for migraine relief? What exactly is CBD, isn’t it the same as smoking marijuana? What effects can I expect CBD to have on my body? Are there any side effects that can be harmful to me? These are a couple of the more popular questions we will answer within this article.  

Exactly what is cannabidiol, or CBD oil?

To better provide an explanation of what CBD oil is, we should begin with clearing up what CBD oil is not. To set the record straight, no, CBD oil isn’t pot or marijuana. We can’t say this enough. Many people are misinformed by people with good intentions who simply don’t know the facts of the matter.

CBD is an isolated plant extract from Cannabis Sativa. It’s not uncommon for people to refer to this plant as marijuana. While many people dry this leaf out and then smoke it, other than CBD, the plant contains around 120 other substances. CBD is simply an isolated extract of one of the many substances of the Cannabis Sativa plant. 

Along with this fact, scientific research has also proven that this particular substance is not the one that alters a person’s state of mind after being ingested by smoking or eating. The only side effects that sometimes come with CBD oil are occasional diarrhea, changes in a person’s appetite, and fatigue. CBD is proven to be safe for users and is not an addictive substance.

How does it work? 

There are still many questions concerning exactly how CBD oil is effective in a positive way. Be careful with that statement. It doesn’t say CBD oil doesn’t work. Scientists are simply still studying and researching exactly how and why it’s so productive. Science has already provided facts concerning the effectiveness of CBD treating epileptic seizures and other sources and types of severe pain. That being said, very little is known in just how it works.

Science originally discovered the endocannabinoid system of the human body has receptors that will bind with CBD. A good example of this would be how a key works with a specific locking mechanism. The system plays a significant role in the human body when it comes to mood regulation, immune function, anxiety, and memory.  

However, there have been many other studies that have gone on to show that binding between CBD and the endocannabinoid system doesn’t happen. While it would appear that many of the original theories should be ignored, the system and CBD may interact in one way or another. Exactly how this works, as well as more potential benefits of using CBD oil, are still being researched and studied. 

Will CBD provide me with migraine relief?

This is one of the common questions people ask who suffer from migraines. The answer isn’t as simple as you’re probably looking for. In short, yes, CBD oil has the potential for being huge when it comes to providing relief for migraines. We can publish all of the articles you want to read. That being said, you’re not going to know if CBD oil helps you with migraines until you use it.

You have to realize, no two bodies are alike. What works for one person may not have the same results for you. There’s a ton of information and details that go into the answers. Migraines are the result of many different symptoms. Diet, noise, stress, environment, lighting, eyesight, even a particular scent can have an effect on someone’s migraines. Because so many elements go into this, it’s hard to determine exactly what CBD oil will and won’t be effective for.

Before you jump to conclusions and just assume this is us taking the easy way out and CBD oil won’t provide you with migraine relief, keep in mind there are a lot of people saying CBD helps them in regards to their migraines. On top of this, CBD is proven to be beneficial for people suffering from inflammation and chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and severe arthritis pain. Also, these people are experiencing relief without the use of pharmaceutical medication.

 Keep this in consideration. There hasn’t been any research or studies in regards to how effective CBD oil can be, limited to providing migraine relief. That being said, according to clinical research and studies, when taken in combination with THC, migraine relief is promising with CBD oil.  

Say what you will, but if THC wasn’t effective in providing pain relief, we wouldn’t be seeing it legalized for medical purposes in several states across the country. There’ve been plenty of studies showing the CBD oil used by itself, not taken with the effects of THC, not only provides relief for migraine pain but also shortens the length of a migraine attack.

In case you didn’t know, treating headache pain with CBD oil isn’t something new. This is a natural remedy that’s been used for thousands of years in one place or another. There has been much positive said by those trying CBD oil for themselves as the public awaits the exact results CBD oil produces on migraines from scientific research and study.

If I use CBD oil, what are the benefits I can expect? 

The first benefit of using CBD oil easily comes to mind when you think of the alternative. The next best remedy is provided with a prescription at the pharmacy. As with any other pharmaceutical drug, there are all kinds of harmful drug interactions and negative, unhealthy side effects. This should be expected with any drug that’s engineered or manufactured instead of coming from a natural source. However, this isn’t the only benefit you’ll find with using CBD oil. 

In 2018, Frontiers of Neurology published an article that went into great detail providing scientific research there are many positive pharmacological properties within CBD, including antipsychotic, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antiemetic, and antioxidative substance. The treatment has been explored through CBD oil for arthritis, diabetes, depression, and other illnesses. The article backs up the fact that blood pressure and the temperature of the body, psychological and psychomotor functions, and a person’s heart rate is not affected negatively with the use of CBD oil.

Many people who suffer from migraines feel much better with CBD oil with publications such as this establishing its safety. Those who are using CBD oil for the first time consider themselves part of a “study of one,” wanting to discover for themselves the exact results they will experience. As with any other study or research, the personal experience one has with something is the best way to determine its effectiveness. 

What can I learn from the research?

Due to the fact, there have been limited studies to the effectiveness of CBD oil by itself, without the use of medical marijuana, there isn’t a whole lot of data available. There simply hasn’t been very much scientific study on the effects of CBD oil alone relieving migraine pain and symptoms. That being said, as mentioned earlier in the article, there have been plenty of positive results in CBD oil accompanied by THC, being medically used marijuana. Here are three examples.

Pharmacotherapy compiled a study in 2016 indicating “medical marijuana” is able to decrease the number of migraine headaches someone has. Users who were willing to participate in the study reported the number of migraines they had in a month dropped by more than 50 percent during that time.

A separate study that took place in 2009 determined the compounds found in cannabis were successful in minimizing pain in people who had been prescribed opioids for an extensive period of time, who were no longer wanting to be prescribed pharmaceutical drugs to relieve pain. 

In 2012, a study provided proof that CBD was an effective method of relieving chronic pain, plus inflammation, among people who suffered from both multiple sclerosis and arthritis.  

With these three studies, plus many others we haven’t provided, one would have to feel confident in the reality of CBD oil is beneficial for relieving migraine pain and symptoms. That being said, don’t read the article and make the decision that we may be correct. Be one of the many people who are taking part in a “study of one” and discovering the results they have been searching for.