Sera Pets CBD Oil Review


Sera Pets CBD Tincture Oil








NATURAL Ingredients




After humans, it is now the turn of our pets to get a taste of CBD. It works the same way as it does for humans. It helps relieve pain and allergies, to name a few. You need to look for a good CBD oil for your pet so that it does not harm them. Your pets cannot speak for themselves and they trust you to do the best for them. That is the reason why you need to understand what health issues they are going through and choose a good CBD product that can provide relief.

CBD oil has been in the news for quite some time now. If you are going to use CBD oil for your pets, then make sure that you use the best available CBD product. It should be completely natural and safe. Choose a brand that is well known and reputed in the CBD industry.

Sera Pets CBD Oil Review

About Sera Pets CBD Oil

The retail market for CBD products is expanding rapidly. With the legalization of CBD, a lot of companies have come up with CBD products for both humans and their pets. Sera Labs is one such company which is growing rapidly. This firm, which focuses on wellness and health, also has products for pets and beauty.

Sera Labs works on a simple premise – to provide premium products to the users – be it pets or their owners. Their products are manufactured using the highest quality CBD procured from organic hemp grown in the USA. The products are manufactured in GMP certified manufacturing units and are non-GMO.

The website has uploaded certificates of analysis for anyone who wants to verify them the products contain less than 0.03% THC, which is permitted by the law.


Sera pets CBD contains only full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD, rich in vitamins, terpenes, chlorophyll, minerals and fibre.

Benefits of Sera Pets CBD Oil

Given below are the benefits of Sera Pets CBD Oil: –

Sera Pets CBD Oil contains full-spectrum pure CBD extract from the hemp plant, and there are no added ingredients in this oil. It does not have any harmful chemicals additives or villas, which can make it unsafe for your pets.

Sera Pets CBD Oil promotes good health of the pets. Your pets are unable to speak to tell you about their problems. They have the same medical issues as humans. They have chronic pains. They also become stressed when there are changes in the weather, circumstances and others. If the owner falls sick, the pets can feel it, and they become stressed too. Research has proved that pets also suffer from anxiety and depression. So you need to you give them something that will calm them down and promote good health. They need CBD oil that provides relief from pain, stress and other elements.

Some pets, especially as they grow older, find it difficult to sleep. It can be because of health issues or maybe they develop a sleeping pattern that changes with age. Sera Pets CBD Oil can help them fall asleep.

The manufacturer offers to refund the entire amount if you are dissatisfied with the results of Sera Pets CBD Oil. You can contact the customer care of the company to know more about the refund policy.

Sera Pets CBD Oil is available with a unbreakable dropper. This is a thoughtful add-on by the manufacturer as pets suddenly move when they are fed something other than treats for food. All pet owners know how difficult it is to get your 4 legged friends to consume medicine.

This product does not contain any psychoactive compound and is therefore legal in the United States of America.

You do not need a prescription to purchase Sera pet CBD oil. It does not contain a psychoactive compound, and therefore, no prescription is required to purchase it. However, before you start using the product, it is best to consult your veterinarian.

Sera Pets CBD Oil

How Should You Use Sera Pets CBD Oil ?

The manufacturer clearly mentions the dosage on the bottle. The prescribed dosage is given below: –

Sera Pets CBD Oil is to be fed to the pet orally. Just squirt it into their mouth or mix it along with their treats or food. The oil is non-psychoactive. It has less than 0.03% of THC.

  • If your pet weighs less than 25 pounds, you should give them half the dropper of CBD oil.
  • If the pet’s weight is more than 25 pounds give them a full dropper of pet oil.
  • Consult your vet doctor regarding the dosage to be fed to the pet.

You should be cautious of giving your pet any supplement if they are on any medication. It is always best to consult a veterinary doctor before starting a supplement for your pet. Lactating and pregnant animals should not be given CBD oil.

How Should You Store Sera Pets CBD Oil?

CBD oil is heat and light-sensitive. Therefore, store it away from heat and light, in a cool and dark place.

Side Effects of Sera Pets CBD Oil

Sera Pets CBD Oil is a completely natural formulation. It does not contain anything except full-spectrum pure CBD extracted from the Cannabis plant which has been grown organically in the USA. Also the percentage of THC in the product is less than 0.03%. Therefore, this product does not have any side effects. You can safely give it to your pet’s without worry about any harmful effects of the oil on them.

Is CBD Oil Safe For Pets?

According to doctor Adam Christman, there is a lot of evidence that shows the benefit of CBD when given to pets. He refers to a study conducted in 2017 by Cornell University. CBD oil was administered to dogs suffering from osteoarthritis, twice a day. The results of the study showed that there was a significant increase in their activity and comfort after using the oil. However,, the research does not indicate whether it is safe to give CBD oil to your pet if they are on any other medication. As the interaction of CBD with other drugs is unknown, it is better to avoid giving the two together.

Purchase & Price Of Sera Pets CBD Oil

Sera Pets CBD Oil can be purchased from the official website of the manufacturer.

The manufacturer offers 3 types of packages As given below:-

  • 1 month – This contains 1 bottle of the CBD oil, and the price of this bottle is $29.95.
  • 3 months’ supply – This contains 3 bottles of CBD oil. You pay for 2 bottles, and you get a third bottle free of cost. The price of this package is $59.95.
  • 5 months apply – This package contains 5 bottles of the CBD oil you and you get 2 bottles free of cost. The price of this package is 89.95 USD.

Shipping is free when you order the 5 months’ supply.

Sera Pets CBD

Money-Back Guarantee & Refund Policy

The manufacturer offers a money-back guarantee that starts from the date of receipt of the product. You need to check the details with the customer service of the company.

If you wish to exchange the product, you can call the customer service. They will give you a re-authorization number. You will have to return the oil within the specified time.

If you wish to claim refund, then you will have to return this product within 30 days of receipt of the product. You will get a complete refund of the Purchase price. Shipping charges will be deducted.

Customer Reviews

Anastasia ~ What is not to like about this oil! My little baby sleeps so comfortably now that I have started giving him Sera Pets CBD Oil. He is now 11 years old and has a lot of joint problems, and it is very difficult for me to see him in so much pain. The veterinary doctor advised surgery, but I didn’t want to put my baby through so much pain. And then I read about CBD oil for pets and ordered this product. I am so happy that it works wonderfully for him.

Ken ~ Bruno has been travelling with me wherever I go. I go for long treks and he comes with me. We have had a lot of adventures together. He is growing old now, and his joints are not what they used to be. He also gets tired very quickly. I started feeding him Sera Pets CBD Oil as a supplement to take care of his health problems. He is now very active and energetic as he used to be when he was young.


  • CBD product– Sera Pets CBD Oil.
  • Price –The cost of 150 mg bottle is$ 39.95. The cost of 250 every bottle is $49.95.
  • Taste –The oil does not contain any artificial flavouring, and therefore, it is tasteless.
  • Odor – The supplement is odorless.
  • Ingredients– Full-spectrum pure CBD derived from hemp. No THC in this product.
  • Packaging– 30 ml bottle with shatterproof screw on dropper.
  • CBD origin– CBD extracted from organic hemp grown in the USA.
  • Dosage– Oral administration. Half dropper for pets weighing less than 25 pounds. Full dropper for pets weighing more than 25 pounds.
  • Shipping– Free shipping on all orders above $100.
  • Money back policy– Full refund if the refund is claimed within 30 days from the date of delivery of the order.
  • Process of CBD extraction– The CBD oil is extracted by making use of the Co2 extraction technique. No GMO, artificial ingredients or pesticides are used during the extraction process.

Pros of Sera Pets CBD Oil

  • Completely natural
  • Promotes good health
  • Treats insomnia
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Completely legal
  • Shatterproof proper
  • Provides relief from pain
  • Calms the pets and provides clarity
  • Promotes a good night’s sleep
  • Treats depression and anxiety
  • Available without prescription
  • Organic and manufactured in the USA
  • Quick delivery system
  • No chemicals or additives used in the product

Cons of Sera Pets CBD Oil

  • Available only on the official website of the manufacturer
  • More expensive than other similar products

Conclusion – The Final Verdict

Sera Pets CBD Oil is a premium product that is available for your pets. It has all the health benefits offered by CBD . The product is completely natural, full-spectrum CBD extract, it is entirely safe for use. You can use it for your pets without worrying about any side effects. Sera Labs uses only organically growth hemp that is free of pesticides and chemicals. You can also verify the reports of the tests available on the website of the manufacturer.

The website has FAQs regarding commonly asked questions. Visit their website for more information. If the FAQs do not answer your question, you can always speak to the customer care of the company for more information.

The company extracts CBD oil from the hemp plant using triple filtration Co2 extraction Technology. This is the safest and cleanest method of extraction to preserve CBD and eliminate the THC present in the hemp plant.

The product has been designed for quick absorption into the bloodstream so that your pets get immediate relief from pain or any other medical element.

The company also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can avail this offer and claim a refund if you are dissatisfied with the results of the product.

Please consult your veterinary doctor before you start using the supplement for your pets. Keep it out of their reach as over dosage can lead to serious side effects. You should also keep it away from the reach of children. Store the product away from sunlight and heat.

If you want to pamper your furry friend, then you should use pet relief CBD oil. Products manufactured by Sera Labs contain proteins, nutrients and fatty acids that your pet needs. However,, Sera Pets CBD Oil does not contain anything except for full-spectrum pure CBD. This healthy ingredient is an anti-inflammatory that promotes good health not just for humans but for dogs too.

Sera Pets CBD Oil Review