Cannabis in Canada


You may know the cannabis plant for its THC content. But there are actually dozens of chemical substances in this genus, called cannabinoids. The cannabinoids are obtained from it and can be found as phytocannabinoids or CBDs. These do not produce psychoactive effects but still affect your brain. This may possibly help you out, depending on what symptoms someone has gone around (Did somebody say inflammation?). As long as we’re talking about how awesome plants are.

Cannabis in Canada

How can CBD be regulated in Canada?

Under the convention of UN (United Nations) drug control. All the rules that are applied in cannabis also apply in CBD in Canada. This includes both industrial hemp plants and varieties derived from other types of cannabis–including marijuana (which has been decriminalized).

The Cannabis Act, which came into force this past June, creates a more streamlined process for selling and importing CBD products. Manufacturers must meet certain requirements in order to market their product as “CBD-based” or “featuring hemp.” They cannot make claims that these ingredients have any medicinal qualities unless authorized by Health Canada. So it’s still important to know what you’re purchasing.

The Act place strict controls on cannabis:

  • Sale
  • Possession
  • Distribution
  • Production

They make sure cannabis products can be sold in stores. This is where they need to be located and how the store must operate.

The rules they set are around:

  • How to sold cannabis products
  • Where to locate stores for cannabis products
  • How to operate the stores

Growing Cannabis plants

To cultivate your cannabis plants, you first need a federal license. The Cannabis Act was passed in 2018, and it’s what enables farmers to sell their produce legally.

Manufacturing and marketing cannabis plants

If you’re looking to buy CBD products, it is important that the company can verify its sources and proper testing procedures. All products containing cannabinoids are subject to all rules under Cannabis Act regulations as well.

According to Health Canada, people should have a processing license before manufacturing products containing CBD. This means that no matter what the source of your cannabidiol (CBD) is for sale–whether it’s cannabis oil or an edibles product with 50mgs per serving-you will need official permission from them in order to sell these items. You sell them on behalf of yourself and others who are authorized retailers under their regulations.

Exporting and importing CBD products

3 UN drug conventions cover the movement of cannabis and its products, including one from 1961 as amended in 1972.

With the passage of Bill C-45, CBD is now legal in Canada. However, it still requires special permission to import or export products. This is because they are considered controlled substances under Single Convention Treaty Laws. They must meet very specific criteria before being allowed into another country’s borders with you.

The only way that importing these items could happen legally would involve:

  1. Obtaining a license from Health Canada
  2. Transporting them by aircraft as cargo
  3. Import/Export permit issued specifically for this shipment
  4. Legitimacy scientific purpose according to international agreements

Industrial hemp

The Industrial Hemp Regulations under the Cannabis Act set out what you need to cultivate industrial hemp. As it stands, those who grow this crop must follow a list of approved varieties and are defined as such in order to be able to do so legally with possession or production occurring outside Controlled SubstancesAct regulations (Health Canada).

Things industrial hemp license holders can do

As an industrial hemp license holder, you may:

  • Sell viable seeds or grain (i.e., nonviable) for use in food and cosmetics;
  • Cultivate plants grown from CBD extractable materials like flowers to be sold as products themselves -to other license holders.

Things industrial hemp license holders can not do

  • Hemp producers who want to extract CBD themselves must have a license for research and processing.

What is the difference between hemp-seed oil and cannabis oil

Cannabis oil is a type of cannabis that can legally be purchased in Canada. Cannabis plants, seeds, and dried marijuana all have different purposes for consumers. But they share one thing, they’re all illegal without an official license from Health Canada.

The genuine ones are:

  • fresh cannabis
  • cannabis oil
  • cannabis seeds
  • dried cannabis
  • cannabis plants

Cannabis oil contains:

  1. Cannabis: Hemp is a plant that can be used for many things. The extract of its leaves and heads have been found to have properties beneficial in treating pain, depression, anxiety disorder symptoms, among others, when taken as directed on dispensary shelves with no Prescription necessary.
  2. Plant-based or Vegetable-based or oil such as:
  • Grapeseed
  • Olive
  • Hemp-seed oil
  • Canola

Hemp-seed oils are normally separated from the seeds of cannabis plants and used in cooking. However, if they’re made with less than 10 parts per million THC, it can be exempt under Canadian law due to phytocannabinoids (plant-derived substances) restrictions. This includes CBD as well because you wouldn’t want your food containing any psychoactive effects.

You can see Hemp-seed oil in the following markets

  • Cosmetic stores
  • Food stores
  • Veterinary health products stores
  • Natural health products stores

Prescription drugs and CBD

All phytocannabinoids, with the exception of CBD oil that makes health claims, require approval for production and sale as a prescription drug under Food Drug Regulations.

CBD on pet food and human food

The new regulations will not allow edible cannabis to be sold until October 17, 2019.

The strict controls in these rules make it so that edibles can only contain certain amounts of CBD and other cannabinoids without exceeding the maximum allowed concentrations for each type (i e 10mg per serving). The reason why this is important? It allows people with particular sensitivities or allergies to avoid having any unwanted effects especially when they consume food products containing marijuana-based ingredients.

These regulations are in place to ensure that edible cannabis can only be consumed by humans and not children. It is also important because of the risk associated with accidental consumption, especially for those who may mistake it as food or something else they’re eating. There’s no way for them to know how strong their dose will actually affect them until after consuming all of its parts which could lead to overconsumption.


Cannabis enthusiasts can make their dream come true in Canada. The country has made it easy to buy hemp and marijuana products, making the process as frictionless as possible.

It’s difficult to navigate the Canadian cannabis regulations. But it is possible in spite of their strict laws. When dealing with these rules, you need legal sources for CBD products that will not get your business shut down or penalized.

It’s no secret that CBD products are all the rage these days. But with so many companies selling them, how do you know who to trust? You should always look for a company based out of North America or Europe before purchasing your next bottle. They have better shipping rates than domestic brands, which ship their goods up north (or across an ocean).